Monday, February 10, 2014

How to Save Endangered Polar Bears

How to Save Endangered Polar Bears
By an eHow Contributor

The greatest threat facing endangered polar bears is climate change. Global warming has reduced the Arctic sea ice, making it more difficult for polar bears to hunt and reproduce. Pollution and oil transportation also pose threats. Without changes, this large mammal could be extinct by the end of the century.


  • Steer clear of buying any products that have been made using a polar bear and at no time join in a polar bear hunt unless it is a controlled traditional harvest. Illegal hunting, trophy hunting and poaching can be severe threats to some polar bear populations. Traditional harvests by local communities do not present the same problem and can be sustained without endangering overall polar bear populations.
  • Support research that allows scientists and conservationists to better understand polar bears. Knowing more about their habitat, hunting habits, health and other behaviors can lead to better solutions for saving polar bears. The World Wildlife Fund, for example, sponsors research aimed at learning more about these large bears
  • Reduce your dependence on oil and gas. Exploring, extracting and transporting oil and gas in the Arctic creates danger not only for polar bears but other mammals and fish. Oil spills in frozen or partially frozen seas can be extremely difficult to clean up and they kill animals and fish.
  • Contact policymakers and government officials to encourage them to protect Arctic habitats from the effects of global warming. National policies can decrease the rate of global warming and protects the polar bear's habitat from melting.
  • Do your part to help stop global warming. Even small acts like driving less, recycling, using florescent bulbs and turning off electronics when you aren't using them can collectively make a difference. Consider planting trees and donating money to organizations fighting climate change.
  • Help cut pollution by using environmentally safe products in and around your home. Polar bears eat fish and other mammals with high fat content. Many pollutants bond with fat when animals and fish ingest them. This makes the polar bear particularly vulnerable.


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